  • Friday Night Community MealAll are welcome to join a warm and traditional Friday Night Community Meal!
Chabad Updates
Contact Us
For general questions and information, please contact our shul administrator:
Niranjan (Nik) Khanal
[email protected]
North Shore Eiruv
Phase 1 of North Shore's Eiruv is currently up. We will keep you posted on Phase 2.
North Shore's very own mikvah is complete. If you would like to be on our volunteer list please contact Rabbi Yossi at [email protected].
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events posted at this time.
Daily Thought
Pharaoh’s advisers tried hard to explain away all the plagues. Even when the Red Sea split, allowed the Jews free passage, and drowned their enemies, there were those who ascribed the entire event to natural causes. Such is human nature, to reflexively seek out a natural explanation for every event. But a Jew, quite the opposite, ponders a natural occurrence and sees a miracle. Because a Jew has an innate inner conviction that there is nothing else...